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CLUB MEETINGS.  We meet the same day and time each month from September through May at the Youth Ag Leadership Center in Rohnert Park on the second Wednesday from 7:00 PM to 8:00 PM.    We meet at 6:30 to share a meal before each meeting and find it strenghens our group's camaraderie.  In June our meeting is a Summer BBQ to celebrate our great year!  We do ask that each person present at the meetings self-screen for symptoms of communicable illness prior to arrival and stay home if ill.


The 4-H Club Officers (known as the Executive Committee) run the business meeting, which includes a program and recreation.  As part of the meeting, all 4-Hers have the opportunity to share what they learn in their projects, either by a simple report or by giving a demonstration.  Members make decisions about club events, opportunities, finances, etc. by using Parliamentary Procedure to make motions and vote.  Every registered youth member  has a vote.  At our meetings the youth members sit together with adults taking a place in the back of the room to encourage all youth to participate.  Adults offer reports and mentorship; however, the meetings are youth run and driven.


The 2022-2023 Executive Officers are:

  • President - Loomis G

  • Vice President of Programs - Gracie D

  • Vice President of Membership - Peter S

  • Treasurer - Michael S

  • Secretary - Ithaca S

  • Community Service Officer - Riley


LEADERS.  Our club has a group of active dedicated adult volunteers who work with our Executive Committee, lead projects, and support youth committees in endeavors like planning club activities, fundraising, and increasing membership.  They are available to all members and their families to help them make their 4-H experience as rich as possible.  From selecting a project animal, to putting together a record book, to applying for grants and scholarships our leaders are dedicated to mentoring youth and developing their full potential.  All of our leaders have received training and fingerprint clearance prior to working with our youth.


The 2022-2023 Adult Volunteer Leaders include:



Club Leadership

Community Club Leader:  Vanessa Downs

Assistant Community Club Leaders:  

                                                   Sara Glashan (VEC)

                                                   Patricia Sittenauer


Project Leadership

Baking:  Vanessa Downs

Market Goats:  Sara Glashan

Dairy Goats:  Sara Glashan & Rebecca Kracker

Poultry:  Vanessa Downs

Rabbits & Cavies:  Patricia Sittenauer

Rocketry/Aeronautics:  John Glashan




Contact us:

Find us: 

Sequoia 4-H
947 Elizabeth Ave, Rohnert Park, CA. 94928


YAL Center

6445 Commerce Blvd, Rohnert Park, CA  94928

© 2021 by Sequoia 4-H. Proudly created with

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